Can’t Sleep – How Massage Can Help

If you can’t sleep the reason is probably a common one. Whether it’s from stress, anxiety, pain or changing shifts at work, everyone gets insomnia at some point. Long-term consequences of insufficient sleep include marked reductions in energy and cognitive function, significantly impacting daily activities. But just one night of poor sleep can have negative effects the following day. Massage demonstrates effectiveness in treating insomnia and enhancing sleep quality(1), thereby alleviating its associated symptoms. Although the precise reasons for insomnia depends on the individual they usually fit into a small group of common causes.

You Can’t Sleep Due To Stress And Anxiety

Woman can't sleep Massage In York
| Stress and anxiety make it difficult to relax

A hectic job, studying for an exam, or relationship problems can all lead to stress and anxiety. In turn they engage your fight or flight response. This involves an increase in certain hormones, such as cortisol, an increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. It also shifts blood away from your vital organs to your muscles. In the short term this might mean it takes a little longer to get to sleep than normal. But if the source of the stress continues and its effects aren’t dealt with things could get worse. You might lay in bed for an hour or two before you finally drop off, or wake throughout the night.

If the issue is more to do with waking an hour or two earlier than normal, after which you can’t sleep anymore, depression could be the reason.

You Can’t Sleep Because Of Pain

If pain is stopping you getting to sleep or waking you during the night then obviously you should take steps to reduce it. Painkillers can do this but many of them actually cause insomnia or low quality sleep. If possible try more natural means instead. If the cause is muscular try regular stretching, especially an hour before going to bed. This can loosen up tight areas and help to relax your body and mind in general.

Medication And Alcohol Effects Mean You Can’t Sleep

Many medications have insomnia as a side effect. This includes sleeping pills if taken for more than the recommended amount of time. And while alcohol might help induce sleep in the short term, it will be of a lower quality.

You Can’t Sleep Because You Work Shifts

Shift work’s disruption of your natural sleep-wake cycle, exposure to artificial light and frequent schedule changes all contribute to sleep challenges. Throughout the day, your whole body engages in a complex process that prepares you for sleep at night. Shift work disrupts this intricate system, leading to sleep challenges. A regular bedtime and waking time helps to regulate your body’s natural circadian rhythm. This means that different hormones and processes start and finish at regular times, preparing you for bed several hours in advance of when it is expected. Any change to your routine, such as shifts, disrupts this and might mean that you can’t sleep. Or you have low quality sleep and don’t feel rested when you wake up.

What Happens When You Can’t Sleep

Not getting enough sleep, even in the short term, can have negative effects on your body and mind. A lack of concentration, low energy and mood and a weakened immune system can leave you open to getting ill. Which will only make things worse. Sleep deprivation triggers the release of cortisol, a stress hormone, as if the body is facing a fight-or-flight situation. Over time this can make things worse, as well as causing you to gain weight. Lower levels of another hormone, called leptin, adds to this by failing to tell your brain that you have had enough to eat. A biochemical, called ghrelin, stimulates your appetite even further.

If that wasn’t bad enough, if you can’t sleep your body will have higher insulin levels after eating. This further promotes fat storage and increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. It also raises the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and other chronic illnesses.

How Massage Can Help

can't sleep Massage In York
| If you can’t sleep, even one massage from a qualified massage therapist can help

Research shows that even a single massage session can deliver tangible benefits to both your physical and mental well-being. Regular massages can treat or even prevent a host of conditions. Stress and tension is released, relaxing your muscles, lowering blood pressure and slowing your heart and breathing rate. Your immune system is given a boost, helping to fight off colds, flu and even more serious illnesses. Plus blood flow is increased, helping to heal injured or tight muscles which might otherwise interfere with quality sleep.

Book A Mobile Massage

If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here

Muscle Knots – What Are They And How To Treat Them

Muscle knots have been felt by most people at some point. It’s usually when your hand goes to the pain in your neck, shoulder or lower back. But if you’re one of the lucky few who hasn’t ever had this experience, you’re sure to know someone that has. What are muscle knots though, what causes them, why do they hurt and how can massage get rid of them?

What Are Muscle Knots

Woman With Muscle Knots Before Massage
| An active muscle knot can lead to intense pain and even injury

The term muscle knots is used to refer to what are also called trigger points. This does not mean your muscle have literally tied themselves in a knot. It refers to small areas that are tense or in spasm and bunch up. No one really knows exactly what causes them but a tense muscle that is also inflexible is far more likely to have knots in it. Individuals with latent trigger points might go about their day without experiencing any symptoms. Active trigger points produce noticeable sensations like achy discomfort or difficulty performing certain movements. This kind need pressure on them to cause what feels like a dull ache. However, an active muscle knot causes intense pain without any pressure, making it difficult to get through a normal day.

Where Can You Get Muscle Knots?

You can develop muscle knots pretty much anywhere there is muscle but some areas are more likely to have them.

Upper Body

The semispinalis capiti muscle is at the back of your neck and often develops muscle knots. Not only can this cause you pain, it can also contribute to migraines and tension headaches.

The trapezius muscle runs from your neck, across to your shoulders and down between your shoulder blades. Pain in the side or back of your neck, or your upper back, could well be a muscle knot.

The myofascial region of your back is particularly prone, especially the lower back area. Here the knots can cause extra problems if they combine with tense muscles and press up against your sciatic nerve. The resulting sciatica can cause intense stabbing pain that shoots down your leg, sometimes as far as your foot.

Lower Body

The gluteus maximus, medius and minimus muscles of your buttocks can get knots that can cause a variety of aches and pains. Problems in this area can often mistakenly be blamed on lower back issues and therefore go undiscovered and untreated.

The IT band, which runs down the outside of your leg, can get muscle knots that contribute to hip or knee pain.

The calf muscles become shortened by long hours spent in a seated position at a desk or driving. This is often followed, after little or no warm up, by exercise such as jogging or sport. The result is tight, tense calves and painful muscle knots.

How To Prevent Muscle Knots

Although the exact cause of muscle knots isn’t known there are some things you can do to help prevent them(1). Being in one position for long periods can shorten muscles and cause inflammation. Whether you’re sitting or standing at work all day or in front of the TV or computer on an evening, muscles don’t like inactivity. Especially if you have a bad posture. Instead try adding more activity to your day when possible. Whether it involves a lot of sitting or standing, take a walk somewhere. Even if it’s just for a couple of minutes to the office next door.

Impact exercise such as jogging, aerobics or sport can also cause cumulative damage that results in muscle knots. And weight training of any kind can very often lead to problems. Regular stretching can help to prevent them by keeping muscles flexible and loose. This will also ensure they have a good blood supply.

How To Treat Muscle Knots

Man With Muscle Knots Having Massage
| The best way to get rid of knots is with deep tissue or sports massage from a qualified massage therapist

You might already have muscle knots that are causing you some pain, or even worse affecting your daily life. In that case there are a couple of ways you can ease things. Heat on the affected area will help the muscles relax so try a hot water bottle or a bath. And using a foam roller can provide some temporary relief or even stop things getting worse. But this isn’t always easy to do.

One of the best treatments for muscle knots is deep tissue massage or sports massage. This can get rid of your knots, relax tense muscles, increase flexibility and improve their blood supply. All without you having to lift a finger. It is also excellent for treating and preventing muscle problems before they develop into something more serious and more painful.

Book A Mobile Massage

If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here

Jaw Pain Massage For Bruxism And TMJ

Woman With TMJ Jaw Pain Massage In York
| TMJ jaw pain can have several symptoms and causes

TMJ stands for TemporoMandibular Joint. This is the hinge joint that connects your lower jaw to the temporal bone of your skull, allowing it to open and close and move side to side. Muscles and ligaments actively stabilize the disc within the joint. It can also be the source of jaw pain which can be relieved by massage. This is also known as TemporoMandibular Joint disorder or TMJ disorder. There are several symptoms and causes for this.

Symptoms Of TMJ Disorder

Jaw pain or pain in your facial muscles are the most common symptoms, but not everyone will get this. Other symptoms include:

  • Clicking or grinding when moving your jaw
  • Pain or muscle spasms in your head, neck or shoulders
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Discomfort when chewing, talking or yawning
  • Ringing in your ears (tinnitus)
  • Difficulty opening or closing your mouth comfortably

Causes Of TMJ Disorder

TMJ Massage In York Anatomy
| Through a focused approach, massage therapy tailors solutions to your specific TMJ pain, providing targeted and effective relief

There are several main causes of TMJ and more than one might be responsible for your symptoms.

  • Stress or anxiety, both of which can tightness in your neck and shoulders and therefore your jaw.
  • Stressful situations can trigger teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, where your teeth involuntarily clench. It can also happen when you are asleep.
  • Poor posture, which can lead to shortness of muscles in your shoulders and neck.
  • Whiplash, which can result in poor posture or tightness in muscles
  • Constant chewing, such as chewing gum, as this can lead to tired, weakened, or over-developed jaw muscles.
  • Frequent phone use, especially with a dominant side or cradling the phone between your head and shoulder, can lead to shortened muscles and jaw pain.

Massage offers relief for all of these conditions associated with jaw pain.

How Massage Can Treat Jaw Pain

By directly targeting the affected muscles, massage effectively relieves or helps treat many common causes of TMJ disorder(1). Most people react to stress by clenching their jaw, neck or shoulders, which leads to shortness and tension in muscles. Even if this isn’t the origin of TMJ disorder it can make it worse. Similarly, teeth grinding (bruxism) can be the cause of TMJ disorder, a symptom or both. Massage can help with mental relaxation as well as relaxing muscles which can break the cycle of tension and stress.

Poor posture might be the result of something as obvious as frequent phone use or working on a computer all day. Or it could be something less obvious such as a lower back issue. This can cause an incorrect posture further up in your spine, such as pushing your chin forward. In turn this shortens muscles in your neck which causes incorrect jaw alignment or tension in the TMJ area.

Addressing the root cause, such as lower back tension through lower back massage, can provide lasting relief for jaw pain linked to poor posture. Therefore much longer-term relief is available rather than offering only temporary solutions in the jaw area. Therapy should then be carried out along the spinal muscles to rectify postural issues.

Book A Mobile Massage

If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here

Squat Technique – Fix Your Form With Massage

If your squat technique could be better, you’re not making the most of one of the core exercises in a good strength and conditioning workout. You might also be missing the warning signs of something more serious. A lack of flexibility from tight muscles can force other muscles to overwork to compensate. This can lead to excessive soreness, chronic pain or even long-term injury.

Why Squat Technique Matters

Girl With Good Squat Technique Massage In York
| A good squat technique gets the most out your workout and helps prevent injury

Squats are an excellent exercise and work the muscles of all the lower body. This includes glutes, hamstrings and quads, plus they affect the body as a whole. But if your squat technique isn’t as good as it should be you won’t get the results you want. You might also find yourself waking up the next morning with excessive soreness or stiffness in your legs or back. And this can make the next couple of days hard work. If this isn’t corrected, chronic pain could develop that remains even after you stop doing squats. It could also lead to something more serious such as torn muscles or a slipped disc.

Causes Of Incorrect Squat Technique

Woman With Good Squat Technique Massage In York
| Lack of flexibility is usually the cause of incorrect squat technique

If you’ve had someone show you how to do a good squat there are only two reasons why you have issues with your technique. One is trying to lift more weight than you are capable of, the other is lack of flexibility. This lack of flexibility usually comes from spending too much time in a standing or seated position, especially with poor posture. Add to this chronic stress and not enough stretching and over time this leads to a tightening and shortening of muscles. Areas associated with squats such as quads, hip flexors, hamstrings and lower back are particularly affected.

There are some common issues with a poor squat technique that can be linked to specific muscle problems.

Squatting With Excessive Lower Back Arch

Woman With Bad Squat Technique Massage In York
| Excessive lower back arch due to tight hip flexors

One of the most common issues experienced with poor squat technique is excessive arching of the lower back. The spine should naturally have a lumbar curve as part of its overall S shape, but tight hip flexors will cause your pelvis to tilt forward. This is known as lordosis. The lower you attempt to squat with lordosis the more the lower back will excessively arch. This causes a knock-on effect of tight and shortened muscles elsewhere. As well as the potential for lower back pain and injury.

In the early stages these issues can be treated with massage to the hip flexors. But most likely your hamstrings, glutes, lower back and quads will also require some attention.

Not Squatting Deep Enough

A good squat technique should have your knees at 90 degrees or less and behind your toes. If you can’t manage this, even without any weight on the bar, you probably have tight hip flexors and hamstrings. This can come from too much time spent sitting or standing, but actions such as jogging can contribute.

Hip flexor and hamstrings massage will deal with the source of the problem. But depending on how your body has been compensating, other areas might require some treatment.

The “Good Morning” Squat

If your squat technique seems okay on the way down, but on the way back up you straighten your legs and only then do you straighten your back (resembling the “good morning” exercise) then you have weak or tight glutes. Probably both. If you’re not familiar with the good morning exercise it is basically a bowing forward motion(1). Done due to poor squat technique, it can cause problems with the knees, hips and lower back.

The target for treatment will be loosening up your glutes and hamstrings. But your lower back and hips will also benefit.

Knee Pain While Squatting

The cause of knee pain while squatting depends exactly where it is. As a rough guide, if it’s at the front of your knee it’s probably to do with tight quads. If the pain is on the outside then it’s a tight IT band. Knee pain to the inside or back of the knee is likely to do with hamstrings or even calf tightness.

As well as massage to the source of the knee pain, it is likely that your squat technique has suffered from trying to compensate. This causes issues elsewhere that could require some work from a good massage therapist.

Rising Heels While Squatting

If your squat technique involves your heels rising up off the floor the lower you get then you have tight calves. This in turn prevents the glutes getting a proper workout which as mentioned earlier, can lead to good morning squats. One solution is to put small weights under the heels so the glutes can still work. This doesn’t address the actual issue of tight calves though.

Lots of sitting or standing is often the cause of any tightness, as is regular jogging. Massage to the calves and hamstrings will stop you having to hunt around the gym for the right weights to stand on.

Correct Your Squat Technique

If your squat technique isn’t as good as it could be, you’re not maximising results and you’re risking injury. Massage can help you with any issues before they turn into something more serious.

Book A Mobile Massage

If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue massasge and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here

Deep Tissue Massage – What Is It?

A deep tissue massage is intended to help relieve painful, tight or injured muscles. If relaxation is your goal, a Swedish massage might be more suitable. Also, a deep tissue massage will generally focus on a specific area of tightness or injury. A relaxation massage is more likely to involve the whole body.

What Is Deep Tissue Massage?

Calf Having Deep Tissue Massage In York
| A massage therapist relieving tension in the calves

A deep tissue massage can treat a variety of complaints. These include muscle pain, muscles that are tight or knotted, postural issues, back pain, sciatica or neck and shoulder pain. It can also help with injuries from exercise such as tennis elbow or a strained hamstring. Or something that stops you exercising at your best. Studies have shown that massage can be effective in relieving osteoarthritis pain and fibromyalgia.

Many of the techniques used for deep tissue massage are similar to those for relaxation. But as the name implies, the aim is to work deeper into the muscles. For example, tension or injury to muscles that are close to the skin could cause your back problems. In many cases however, the issue is deeper. This means that more pressure may need to be applied in order to reach them. Therefore the massage might well start off feeling like one intended for relaxation in order to loosen up the surface muscles. But this is only to get through to those beneath where the actual problem lies.

Does A Deep Tissue Massage Hurt?

Whatever you’re reasons for getting a deep tissue massage, if one is necessary it usually means that there are some muscles that need to relax. The extra pressure might not be quite as comfortable as a relaxation massage. This does not mean it will be painful however. If you experience pain during a massage you are likely to tense up your muscles rather than relax them, which is the opposite of what we want. There may be certain areas that are more sensitive than others, but this should no more than a discomfort. As with any massage though, you have the final say on the pressure applied and the treatment used.

Deep Tissue Massage Techniques

If you have ever had a Swedish massage you will recognise some of the techniques. But it’s not as simple as the same thing with more pressure. Deep tissue massage actively targets “knots” and scar tissue, promoting their release and reducing pain and inflammation. In turn this can limit range of motion, affect circulation and impinge nerves such as the sciatic nerve which can cause back pain.

Effleurage is first used to in order to warm up muscles and facilitate relaxation. After this, other techniques are then applied depending on the nature of the problem. The most common include petrissage, which is used to compress and squeeze muscles to get rid of knots. Also friction, which works against the grain of a muscle, and stripping, which is a deep gliding pressure along the muscle.

Benefits Of Deep Tissue Massage

Some of the many benefits include:

Reduced Stress And Tension

Shoulder Having Deep Tissue Massage In York
| Upper back pain is often the result of muscle tension and stress

Studies have shown that deep tissue massage is even more effective than Swedish massage for reducing stress and tension (1). This is important because chronic stress increases inflammation in the body. And this can lead to a host of illnesses and conditions. This includes a weakened immune system, which is unable to fight off colds and influenza or more serious illness. It can also cause high blood pressure with its potentially life-threatening side effects and general poor health. A single massage session has demonstrably lowered both blood pressure and resting heart rate.

Breaking Up Of Scar Tissue

Following injury the formation of scar tissue can slow recovery and reduce range of movement. Also, inflammation around the injury can restrict blood flow, preventing vital nutrients reaching the area and increase pain. Deep tissue massage can minimise the formation of scar tissue, reduce muscle spasms and stimulate blood flow. Untreated scar tissue in an older injury can lead to chronic pain and a reduced range of motion. Treating this with massage can return the affected area to normal function.

Reduced Arthritis Symptoms

The Arthritis Foundation states massage is often used in the relief of many common symptoms of arthritis (2). This includes reduced pain and stiffness, reduced anxiety, improved range of motion and better quality of sleep. But the pressure has to be moderate, as with a deep tissue massage, rather than light. Deeper pressure lowers the heart rate which stimulates relaxation and reduces tension.

Treatment For Chronic Back Pain

There are numerous treatments for chronic back pain, but many are ineffective, short-term or invasive. The most frequent cause is muscle strain, whether by sudden movement, over exertion or pre-existing tension. Inflammation and scar tissue can persist after healing and contribute to the ongoing experience of chronic pain. Deep tissue massage can reduce scar tissue and inflammation whether it has been weeks, months or even years.

Book A Mobile Massage

If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue  massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here

Mobile Massage In York – FAQ’s

Massage in York offers mobile massage in York and the surrounding area. I am an experienced, fully qualified massage therapist and if you’re in need of a massage, I will come to you. If you want information on how to book a mobile massage click here. Or keep reading for answers to the most frequently asked questions. 

Why Have A Mobile Massage?

If a hectic life is giving you stress or you’re struggling to get about due to back pain or an injury, the last thing you want to do is fight your way through York’s endless traffic or walk any further than absolutely necessary to get treatment. A mobile massage from massage in York is the answer. Available from 9am to 9pm, 7 days a week, you can book a massage to fit in with your schedule.

What Does A Mobile Massage Involve?

Besides taking place in your home, a mobile massage is like any other massage and can involve different techniques to suit your needs. This includes a Swedish massage for relaxation, insomnia treatment, a boost to your immune system and numerous other benefits. Click to find out more about Swedish Massage.

Deep Tissue Massage and Sports Massage are for treating pain or injuries. Whether this is back or neck pain from prolonged computer work or a strain from sport or working out. Or rehabilitation to help improve flexibility and mobility after recovery. Click to find out more about Deep Tissue Massage or Sports Massage.

If you aren’t sure what type of massage your need that’s not a problem. Whether you’re wanting general relaxation or something more specific such as an area of tension or injury, we can decide together which would be best.

Do You Use A Massage Table?

Massage Mattress Used By Massage In York
| The massage mattress I generally
use for massages

A massage table is what you will commonly find in a massage salon. While I do have one to use when necessary, I mainly use a massage mattress. Not only do many people find them more comfortable they take up less room, so you don’t need such a large open space.

Does A Massage Hurt?

Despite what many people believe, a massage does not have to hurt to be effective(1). For optimal results, when treating injuries or addressing knots, a deep tissue massage will prioritize muscle relaxation. If the level of pressure is causing you pain or too much discomfort you are unlikely to be relaxed. In the unlikely event this is the case during your massage don’t be afraid (or too polite) to say so.

Do You Provide Oil, Towels etc?

Woman Having Massage In York
| Sports massage can treat chronic
back pain

Just like you wouldn’t expect to take your own towels to a salon, a mobile massage is no different. I provide everything that is required. However, if you wish to use your own towels, as some people prefer, you are welcome to do so. Also if you have allergies you might want to provide an oil that you know is suitable.

Do I Need To Complete A Health Questionnaire?

Completing a brief consultation form is necessary before the massage begins but this does not affect your massage time. This information helps to ensure your safety and well-being by identifying any potential risks before your massage. It also needs to be done for insurance purposes and only takes a couple of minutes. Alternatively I can email you the consultation form in advance if you’d like to complete it at your convenience.

Is a Mobile Massage As Good As Massage In A Salon?

The qualifications and training required to offer mobile massage are exactly the same as a massage offered anywhere else. I have a diploma in massage therapy and originally began massaging in 2005. I also qualified as an advanced personal trainer in 2008 and these qualifications cover all aspects of health and fitness. They include client lifestyle and fitness assessment, nutrition and weight management, and postural analysis. This helps me diagnose the causes of many problems and offer advice on how to prevent their return after massage.

A mobile massage is also more private and more convenient than in a salon. And when they’re finished you don’t have the hassle of getting home, you’re already there!

Click to read feedback from previous clients

Book A Mobile Massage

If you’re looking for a massage therapist in york and would like to book please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here

Hip Pain After Horse Riding – Causes And Treatment

Hip pain after horse riding is a common problem but your technique might not be the issue. Even a perfect riding style puts your body in an unnatural position which can aggravate muscle problems caused elsewhere. It can also lead to other aches and pains that affect your performance if left untreated.

What Causes Hip Pain After Horse Riding

Woman With Hip Pain After Horse Riding
| Horse riding often lead to hip pain due to your position

Hip pain after horse riding is one of those issues that can come even with the perfect saddle and excellent technique. The neutral position for your hips to be in is standing with your feet just a few inches apart(1). Anything wider than this and the muscles in your hips, such as your TFL or glutes, are shortened. Over time they also become tight and inflexible. A similar thing happens when you are sitting down for long periods but the hip flexors at the top of your thigh are also affected.

Combining the two makes things even worse but this is the position you are in on a saddle. Also the size of your horse is a factor. The bigger it is, the wider your legs will be and the shorter the muscles of your hips.

Hip Pain Anatomy

Hip Pain After Horse Riding Anatomy
| Massage can loosen the tight muscles that lead to hip pain

Hip pain generally refers to an area at the top of your leg, mainly on the outside. But it can also radiate around to the front or back. The muscles people usually point to are the gluteus medius and the tensor fascia latae (TFL). These get shorter the greater the distance between your feet. Other areas that can cause hip pain are the gluteus maximus and the upper part of the IT band fascia.

Treatment And Prevention Of Hip Pain After Horse Riding

If you already have hip pain after horse riding then obviously it is too late to prevent this time. But like any sore muscle it can be helped by applying heat for 20-minute periods over the next couple of days. Once it has eased off a little, some gentle stretching can also be beneficial. A deep tissue or sports massage is the best option however, soothing pain and loosening tight muscles.

But prevention is always better than treatment. And although there isn’t a lot you can do about the basic riding position, there could be changes you can make elsewhere. For example, if your average day involves a lot of sitting, instead stand up and walk around whenever you get the chance. This makes a difference even if it is just for a couple of minutes at a time. Also, do some stretches for your hips at least twice a week to maintain your current flexibility.

Unfortunately, if you regularly have hip pain after horse riding, stretching will be of limited benefit to you. It is likely that your muscles are already very tight and have areas where there is a lot of tension that needs releasing. A deep tissue massage or sports massage will help relax painful muscles and ease out knots much more effectively. It can treat hip pain after horse riding and help prevent it occurring in the future.

So don’t let hip pain spoil your riding. Book a deep tissue massage or a sports massage with me today.

Book A Mobile Massage

If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here

Sports Massage – What Are They & Who Are They For

Sports massage is often confused with deep tissue massage and there is some crossover in techniques. Developed primarily for athletes, sports massage aims to assist them before, during, and after events or training. These treatments also extend to addressing injuries, improving flexibility, and managing chronic pain. So you don’t have to be an athlete to benefit from them.

What Is A Sports Massage

Woman Getting A Sports Massage In York
| The lower back is a common area that can benefit from a sports massage

As you might expect, a sports massage caters primarily to athletes and individuals who actively participate in athletics. Whether this is weight training, aerobics or an actual sport. But anyone can benefit from improved muscle health, range of motion, better posture and the treament of injuries. Massage therapy targets muscles in the affected area as well as other soft tissues. This includes ligaments, tendons and fascia. Fascia is a band or sheet of connective tissue that attaches, stabilizes, encloses and separates muscles (1).

A sports massage might just involve common massage techniques such as effleuruage and petrissage. Effleurage, a key component of the initial phase, gently warms and relaxes your muscles, preparing them for the deeper work to come. After releasing toxins during the treatment, effleurage then helps flush them out. It is simply a general stroking of the general body area and can be followed by petrissage. This is a deeper technique using more pressure to reach underlying muscles. But your sports massage could also involve stretching muscles to loosen them up and improve range of movement.

Types Of Sports Massage

Anyone can benefit from a sports massage from a qualified massage therapist. But when it comes to treatment for athletes there are four main types.


Given an hour or so before an event or training to stimulate and warm up your muscles. Especially those that will be involved the most or where you are prone to injury. They promote relaxation and help to reduce stress and anxiety about the upcoming event. And to enhance focus and performance, athletes can opt for a massage during visualization or rehearsal sessions.


Given during an event or training to help remove toxins and improve blood flow to your muscles. It also helps prevent or stop cramping and ease minor injuries. To address the demands of a multi-event day, athletes can utilise sports massage to optimize their recovery and prepare for subsequent events. It also helps to reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).


Given an hour or so after an event or training. It removes toxins, improves blood flow and promotes normalisation and growth of your muscles. It also reduces Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Sports massage can also identify new or potential injuries that the athlete is not yet aware of.


This type of massage is best done on a light training or rest day. Its purpose is to treat or prevent injuries, chronic pain or flexibility issues. Also any DOMS the athlete is experiencing can be relieved by improved blood flow through the area.

Who Would Benefit From A Sports Massage

Sports Massage In York Benefits
| A massage can have many benefits

Sports massage primarily targets individuals involved with sports or gym activities, whether this is a professional athlete or an amateur. But if you experience sprains, strains, tension, knots, stiffness, or general aches from demanding physical activities like gardening or DIY projects, the challenges can be the same.

Sports Massage Or Deep Tissue Massage

Sports massage and deep tissue massage share many techniques but their applications differ. Sports massage serves as a preparation tool for athletes participating in events or training. It also helps as a cool down for the muscle and soft tissue afterwards. A deep tissue massage has several benefits which includes easing stress or tension, reducing inflammation and increased relaxation. (click here for more on deep tissue massage). Where the two massages are similar is when it comes to treating injuries, pain or tight muscles. But it’s not necessary for you to know which type of massage you require. If you’re not sure which is best for you, just ask me and we can decide on how best to treat your particular issue.

Book A Mobile Massage

If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here

Pain Relief Massage

Tight muscles, strains and stress can have many different causes and symptoms, but they can all cause pain. Whether this is a mild discomfort or severe enough to prevent you sleeping or doing everyday tasks. A pain relief massage can have an immediate effect even if the original issue is not muscle related.

How Does A Pain Relief Massage Work

Woman Needing Pain Relief Massage In York
| The neck and shoulders and lower back are areas that can often benefit from pain relief massage

Your muscles and tendons are in use whether you are sitting at a desk or having a workout. And although lifting weights is more likely to result in a strain or injury, all can cause problems. Sitting, especially for long periods, shortens your hamstrings, calves and the muscles at the top of your legs. It also affects your lower back, neck and shoulders, especially if you have a lot of stress. This can also result in issues with your posture that leave you prone to tight muscles and knots. Or it could come over time from the same repetitive movements leaving you with painful inflammation. If left untreated you could develop chronic aches, pains, strains and even trapped nerves.

A pain relief massage works by relaxing tight muscles and easing areas of tension, which all helps to reduce inflammation(1).  But very often the original issue can be elsewhere, which is why improper treatment can have only limited or temporary benefits. So let’s look at some common complaints and how they can be helped by a pain relief massage.

Pain Relief Massage For Lower Back And Sciatica

Although lower back pain and sciatica are not necessarily the same thing, they usually have similar causes. One of them is a slipped disc, which should always be initially dealt with by a visit to your doctor. By lifting something too heavy with improper form, you may have strained your back, leading to this pain, especially if you relied on bending at the waist instead of engaging your legs and core. Or it might have come on due to poor posture, weakened muscles or a muscle imbalance.

A pain relief massage for your lower back would focus on releasing tension in the muscles that run along either side of your spine. Also, your glutes are a common but often overlooked area of tension that often causes lower back pain and sciatica. Click for more on sciatica and lower back pain

Pain Relief Massage For Neck And Shoulders

Woman Needed Pain Relief Massage For Neck
| Tight Looking down at your phone for extended periods can overstretch tight neck muscles and cause pain

There are two common causes of neck and shoulder pain. The first is poor posture from looking down at a screen or phone, especially while seated. This puts your entire spine in an unnatural position, lengthening and weakening your trapezius and the muscles of your neck. The trapezius muscle extends across to your shoulders and down past your shoulder blades, where it can also cause pain. If you are sitting while watching TV or looking up at a computer monitor, this shortens the muscles instead. The result is usually pain, stiffness or knots, and it can even lead to headaches or migraines.

The other common cause of neck and shoulder pain is stress or anxiety. This can cause you to shrug your shoulders, clench your jaw or grind your teeth. Many people have this along with poor posture, which can lead to a lot of pain that causes headaches, migraines and poor sleep.

A pain relief massage for your neck and shoulders would do three things. The first is reducing the inflammation in the weakened muscles so that they can have proper strength and function. The second is to relax tight muscles to prevent pain and lengthen them so you can regain good posture. Third, a massage would help to release tension that has built up from stress and anxiety. Click for more on neck and shoulder massage

Pain Relief Massage For Buttocks

If you have pain in your buttocks, also known as your glutes, it can often lead to pain elsewhere. This is because the buttocks are actually 3 different muscles known as the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. These three muscles work together to lift your torso after bending forward at the waist. Walking, especially uphill, and jogging can lead to tight muscles, inflammation and even knots in your buttocks. But if you spend a lot of time sitting down they become shortened and weak due to the position you are in. This means that they have to work harder just to do their job, so other muscles have to assist them. This means you might also have lower back pain, pain in your hips or pain in your hamstrings.

A pain relief massage for your buttocks (glutes) would initially work to release any tight areas, knots and inflammation. As well as helping to lengthen shortened muscles. Should there be tension in deeper muscles, I can also target the piriformis muscle located beneath your glutes. Click for more on glute massage

Pain Relief Massage For Calves

Woman Needing Pain Relief Massage For Calf
| Exercise can cause calf pain but so can long periods of sitting

Limited flexibility in your calf muscles, particularly the gastrocnemius and soleus, is a common cause of calf pain. These are at the back of your lower leg and can become tight and sore even from a sedentary lifestyle. Long periods sitting down puts your calves in a shortened position which can lead to pain in your feet. Ill-fitting or unsupportive footwear can also be a contributing factor. Exercise, running or walking uphill can make things worse and result in knots, inflammation or even strains. Issues that cause calf pain can also affect your walking action which can lead to developing pain in your shins. If left untreated this could go on to cause shin splints which can be a chronic and painful condition.

A pain relief massage for calves would initially focus on reducing inflammation and increasing flexibility. Plus it is likely that you have areas of greater tension or even knots that are causing pain, which could also be the source of any ankle or knee pain you might be having. This would also help to relieve any shin pain or pain in your feet. Click for more on calf massage

Summary Of Pain Relief Massage

With the right treatment, any muscle can benefit from a pain relief massage, not just those mentioned. And although it might have started with a slipped disc or even a broken bone, the tissue around it could have become tight and inflamed. Treatment by a massage therapist can reduce pain and help you sleep and enjoy the things you used to.

Book A Mobile Massage

If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here

Postnatal Massage – Benefits Of Massage After Pregnancy

Massage after pregnancy, otherwise known as postnatal massage, can provide many benefits to your body and mind. During pregnancy you could develop upper and lower back pain, neck and shoulder stiffness and general body aches. And although this is an exciting time it can also be very stressful, which only adds to feelings of fatigue. Postnatal massage can help with a variety of issues to help your mind relax and your body recover faster.  Read on to discover just some of the benefits of postnatal massage from a qualified massage therapist.

Postnatal Massage For Muscle Pain Relief

Postnatal Massage In York
| Postnatal massage can help with upper or lower back issues. As well as many other aches and pains that might have developed during pregnancy.

Even if you didn’t have any lower back pain before pregnancy, you will probably develop some after nine months of having a baby bump. As the weeks pass and the extra weight you’re carrying increases there are two main things that will happen. The first is that your posture will change so you find yourself leaning back slightly as you walk. This can put your hips out of their correct alignment. And the second is that you’ll find it increasingly difficult to bend forward or sit in anything but a posturally incorrect way. Both will cause or exacerbate lower back pain.

Upper back pain, such as in your neck and shoulders, can also occur during pregnancy. But holding your baby, especially while breastfeeding, can cause even more problems. Then there are general aches and pains that develop from trying to get through your day without making things worse.

Massage can help to relieve muscle tension, correct postural imbalances and ease any strains and sprains you might have. Click here for more information on lower back pain or here for upper back pain.

Postnatal Massage For Anxiety And Depression

Even the easiest of pregnancies can be a stressful time, especially as the big day approaches. And this doesn’t change once your baby is born. Interrupted sleep, aches and pains, life changes and the constant anxiety of worrying about your baby can all take their toll. The stress hormones released by your body can make things feel even worse and this is proven to reduce the quantity and quality of breast milk(1).

Similarly, postnatal depression or “baby blues” is experienced by around half of new mothers to some degree. But this has also been shown to improve from the benefits postnatal massage can provide.

Click here for more on how massage can help with anxiety.

Postnatal Massage For Improved Sleep

Sleeping After Postnatal Massage
| Massage after pregnancy can help to relieve pain, reduce anxiety and promote relaxation

If a bad back and general aches and pains don’t interrupt your sleep when you’re pregnant, your baby bump probably will. And feeds throughout the night once your baby is born are only going to add to your fatigue. Therefore it’s vital that when you do have the opportunity to finally get some sleep it should be deep and uninterrupted.

Massage after pregnancy can help to relieve pain, reduce anxiety and cause the release of hormones that promote relaxation. In turn this increases the quality of your sleep and the benefits this provides. Click here for more on how massage helps you sleep.

Other Benefits Of Postnatal Massage

Toning And Weight Loss – As massage improves circulation it helps flush out toxins and excess water. It can also improve the appearance of overall muscle tone.

Reduce Stretch Marks – Improved circulation to the skin can restore elasticity and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Restore Flexibility – Regular postnatal massage can actively enhance your flexibility, restoring and even surpassing your pre-pregnancy range of motion.


If you are in any doubt, please check with your doctor before you book a postnatal massage. Especially if you had a Cesarean section in order to make sure you have had sufficient time to heal.

Book A Mobile Massage

If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here